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Fig. 7 | Virology Journal

Fig. 7

From: Presepsin as a prognostic biomarker in COVID-19 patients: combining clinical scoring systems and laboratory inflammatory markers for outcome prediction

Fig. 7

Nomograms for predicting COVID-19 mortality using combined Presepsin models. A: Presepsin + qSOFA; B: Presepsin + CURB-65; C: Presepsin + NEWS2; D: Presepsin + CAR. Nomograms are useful for individual prediction and risk stratification, providing an intuitive way to estimate probabilities or predict outcomes based on multiple variables. For each predictor variable, locate the corresponding value on its scale and record the point indicated by that position. Sum up the points obtained for each predictor variable. Locate the total points on the prediction scale of the nomogram to estimate the predicted outcome or probability associated with the model. For example, in Fig. 7A, when a patient has a Presepsin level of 1000, corresponding to 25 points, and a qSOFA score of 2, corresponding to 87 points, the total score is 112, indicating a 60% probability of death within 28 days for that patient. Abbreviations qSOFA, quick sequential organ failure assessment; NEWS2, National Early Warning Score 2; CAR, C-reactive protein-to-albumin ratio

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